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Lead extraction for CIED infection can be a life-saving procedure yet over 65% of CIED infection patients are treated inappropriately. Any patient with a CIED and an infection should be referred quickly for a lead extraction consultation, as data shows delaying lead extraction can lead to mortality. Also, >80% of patients with a noninfectious indication for lead extraction have their leads capped and abandoned. The risks of capping a lead include the increased risk of infection, worse outcomes and increased difficulty of a future extraction, increased risk of venous occlusion and MRI contraindication. Lead extraction has a 99.72% procedural safety rate and a 97.7% clinical success rate. Capping and abandoning leads poses significant risks that can be mitigated proactively with safe lead extraction. It is an HRS Class I indication for physicians and patients to discuss the risks of lead abandonment and the risks of lead extraction. Philips is dedicated to helping physicians and patients manage every lead – safely, responsibly, predictably.

Featured Technology

GlideLight Laser Sheath

Versatility – No two lead removal procedures are the same. Each binding site is unique, lead designs vary, and every patient’s anatomy is different.

Efficiency – Stalled progression during lead removal procedures can lengthen the time they take to complete. GlideLight Laser Sheath may enable smoother and more consistent progression.

Control – Using a high degree of mechanical force when removing leads can compromise lead integrity. GlideLight Laser Sheath provides critical control when progressing through binding sites. Safely and efficiently removing leads depends on tools that give you versatility and control. GlideLight Laser Sheath offers the unprecedented ability to customize the laser’s repetition rate throughout a procedure. At 80 Hz, the GlideLight Laser Sheath requires up to 55% less advancement force, and advances up to 62% more efficiently through tough binding sites than SLS II.

Discover more GlideLight features >>

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TightRail Mechanical Rotating Dilator Sheath

With TightRail, flexibility meets unparalleled control. The tool’s flexible shaft helps physicians remain coaxial to the lead while maintaining forward progression through tortuous vasculature. The dilating blade remains shielded until activated, putting physicians in control and allowing counter-traction at the targeted lead’s distal tip.

Discover more TightRail features >>

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Bridge Occlusion Balloon

A tear in the superior vena cava (SVC) during a lead extraction procedure is rare, occurring in just 0.5% of cases, but when a tear does occur, the Bridge Occlusion Balloon can be quickly deployed to stop blood loss and allow time for transition to surgical repair.

Investigate the life-saving design of the Bridge Occlusion Balloon >>

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